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A member registered Jan 31, 2021

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Thanks again for taking your time to test.

I had only been trying on Windows until now. I have manjaro on a different drive so i booted it up and tried both Chromium 108 and Firefox 107. Firefox was laggy as all hell for me but Chromium worked more or less than expected. Why would they perform differently i dont understand but ill see if i can upload a windows and linux executable tommorow. Thanks again!

(2 edits)

How strange. Most feedback i have gotten has told me that the sensitivity of the rotation is to slow/sluggish. Were you perhaps playing with timewarp without being aware of it? If you press T the time goes 5x faster but its harder to manuever like that. ( The current timewarp speed is displayed in the bottom right corner )

There is a VOD of another jam contributator playing the game
If the issue was not time warp, would mind having a quick peek at the vod and tell me if the experience looked simular or totally different to your? I would love to know if there is maybe a bug causing your experience.
Thanks in advance!

Hi. Thanks for trying it! 

Regarding the trajcetories, the sourcecode is written in C# but if you want to take a look at it you can find it here

TLDR is that we implemented gravity force and used the same code to predict  were the ship was going to be in the future :)

One of the things that we failed to do was telegraph to the player that after their first and second upgrade, they can zoom out more. It sounds from your difficulties that maybe you tried to aim for the Icons instead of the planets? Correct me if im wrong :) 

Thanks for letting us know that the game didnt load for you... I am on Chromium 108 and it works for me but maybe its safer to upload a executable to be sure that the game can be played.

Thank again!

I saved the day

Hey, i could not open the project. Using godot 3.5.1. It crashes during imports

Relaxing museem :) nice

Creepy game. I really enjoyed the writting :)

Nice UHH sounds

Thanks alot!

I am happy to see that you gave modern upcoming framework a chance. 10/10

It was really entertaining watching the vod. again thank you!

I noticed you had a discussion with someone wheter it is possible to orbit in the game or not, so id thought id clarify a little.
You are correct that the reason you dont become in Orbit easily is because the planets are way to close to eachother. It is actually possible to orbit the planets and its alot easier on the planets further away from other planets. One of the devs got in orbit of the brown planet and let it run all night and it was still in the same orbit when he woke up :)

Means alot that you played through it! If i may ask, how long did it take you to beat it ? :)

I put in Carl. I don't think it went that well haha

Chess rouge so cool haha. Very well made

Dude, this is one of the coolest ideas ive seen haha

Very cool map generation :)

A great game. Time flew away

Thank you! :

Yes. We didn't have time to give the guards their own animations, so it became a feature instead.